Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Summer's End

We've been feeling it for a couple of weeks now; the shift in seasons is upon us. Long shadows, cooler nights and the call of the yarn basket are all signs I can't ignore. So it's this time of year I always begin a new blanket project. Of course, I already have the yarn for two more blankets but I got a crafty itch and I couldn't ignore it. 

About a year ago, my husband and I went along to our local picture house to watch the latest film by director Wes Anderson, Moonrise Kingdom. Already Wes fans, we absolutely loved this whimsical, old-fashioned love story with it's quirky characters, retro styling and adorable story. For me, I love Wes Anderson's signature direction. The colour palette in particular is something that has been unconsciously inspiring me for a while now, as well as the soundtracks to his movies. We've been having a little Wes Anderson season at our house, watching all his movies- Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, Fantastic Mr Fox, The Darjeeling Ltd, Moonrise Kingdom, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Royal Tenenbaums. Though all his movies have ever-so-slightly different colour palettes, some colours remain true to his style, and all have a vaguely vintage feel. Perfect for me! So I've decided to crochet a Wes-inspired blanket. For the whole family to snuggle under over the colder months, it will be thick and warm and very, very Wes. I have decided on a pattern in my head, I just need to make time to pick up hook and begin. So here is a little tour of my yarn choices, I hope any Wes fans out there will recognise them! I have chosen King Cole Merino Blend DK, a yarn I've not used before but is nice and thick (almost Aran-weight) and very soft and suitable for all the people in my home. The name is so perfect: Summer's End. It's the name of the Bishop house in Moonrise Kingdom, but also references the shift in seasons. For, well and truly, we're now at summer's end. 

 this also appears in The Darjeeling Limited and echoes the lovely sunset-like filter Wes's movies have

 also on the hats of Team Zissou, the narrator in Moonrise Kingdom and Max's beret in Rushmore
 turquoise crops up often; again in the Darjeeling Limited, and Lionel Bishop's record player.
 mustard is another typically Wes colour; in Fantastic Mr Fox, Suzy Bishop's suitcase and here on the dressing gowns of the Hotel Chevalier, the prequel to the Darjeeling Ltd.
 the khaki scouts of North America wear their khaki with pride in Moonrise Kingdom, as does the character of Jane in The Life Aquatic
 also the shade of Royal Tenenbaum's pyjamas.
Jason Schwarztman's character in Fantastic Mr Fox wears this shade of pale beige, and as you know by now I always use a cream or ecru in my blankets! This will break up the large blocks of Bobble stitch colours. For more Wes inspiration check out my Pinterest board.

I hope you like the colour choices, I can't wait to get cracking on this. Just a little more yarn bombing to make, and a wee pair of trousers for my wee man to finish knitting and then I can begin! As always, there are a number of small projects lined up to scratch my itch for when I need to complete something quickly.

If anyone is interested, a new three-part series called The Fabric of Britain begins tonight on BBC Four, starting with a look at knitting in Britain (featuring the incomparable Kaffe Fassett). 

Happy hooking!


  1. Thats on my top 5 films too!!
    and have often admired the photography and colours...what an excellent idea for a colour palette.
    bestest d x

  2. I love Wes Anderson Movies and escpecially The Darjeeling Ltd, Moonrise Kingdom and The Life Aquatic. Good to know that they're are other crazy people out there too :)
    And thank you for the tip, I will have a look on BBC4.

  3. Ooo I do like the start of a new project... and this seems just the right snug evening make!

  4. beautiful colours, i've seen a couple of the films OH is the film buff in the family, i've not mastered crocheting and concentrating on a film yet! I have recorded the Fabric of Britain and I am looking forward to watching it tonight, look forward to seeing the blanket progress xx

  5. I love that you've been inspired by your favourite films, such great colours - that will be a very special blanket. I missed Fabric of Britain but hopefully can catch it on catch-up. I seem to watch everything on catch-up these days :)

    Looking forward to seeing your blanket grow. Em xx

  6. You are not alone, I love Wes Anderson films, my friends just dont get them and they are missing out! I quite frequently pause films to photograph a piece of knitting or crochet with every intention of making a copy. What a good idea you have had, making a piece inspired by films...


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