Monday, 8 April 2013

Pretty Pastel Style

A week or two ago, I was lucky enough to win a competition over on stylist Selina Lake's blog, the prize being a copy of her new book 'Pretty Pastel Style'. Well, as you can well imagine I was completely bowled over when Selina got in touch to say I'd won! I love her work, and as you may recall last year I wrote a post about her book Homespun Style. her modern, fresh styling along with an eye for colour keeps me interested in all her work, which is usually found in a host of UK mags. I'm currently loving her work in the new Prima Spring Makes magazine, which I picked up at the Knitting and Stitching show, and there is an 8-page extract of Pretty Pastel Style in the new Country Living, too. 

So here is a selection of my very favourite pages...

Firstly, the front cover. Not traditional pastels, I'll admit. So Selina's take adds a dash of vintage, gold and bold pink to offset the sugary sweetness of the pastel pinks in Jeannette Lunde's beautiful living room.
 I also love how brighter 'pastels' can be found, like this vivid green and the bold pom poms in this gorgeous living room (exactly how I'm trying to get mine to look...)
This pink is VERY pink, but I love the splashes of vintage and Cath Kidston to uplift the pastels...

In fact, all the shots of Yvonne Eijkenduijn's home are my favourites! Her blog, Yvestown, is natural inspiration for the pastel-hued home- white, bright, modern and fresh. Beautiful! Unfortunately my home will never be like this because I live with boys. With no girly space of my own. But I do try to introduce splashes of pastel colours with my insistence on Cath Kidston kitchen linen, and my soon-to-be-introduced pistachio kitchen wall!

All in all, I love the book. It shies away from traditional pastels and uses them in contemporary ways with fresh whites and bold neons, as well as balancing the pastel shades with soft beige and gold. Catherine Gratwicke's photography is stunning as always, as is Selina's styling ideas. I can't wait to get on with prettifying my kitchen! If you ever need any pastel colour inspiration, head straight to Laduree, where these amazing macarons came from on Friday...
A palette for your palette!

Happy reading 


  1. I have been dreaming of getting this book. Lucky you!

  2. Oh I am so tempted to purchase the book! Feeling oh so sorry for myself this eve with a cold... pretty post just what I needed!

  3. Ooh very envious as have had my eye in that book since before it was published. It looks lovely. Lucky you!


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