
Saturday 31 December 2011


This month, like the rest of the year, has flown by. A riot of colour, food, friends, familiy and of course Christmas has kept me from my laptop, but I just wanted to share some moments from the last month with you all.

I will be sad to take the decorations down, all the twinkly lights and carol singing faded away for another year.

We tried as much as possible to have a 'handmade' Christmas this year, making chutneys, gingerbread and peppermint creams alongside all the usual star-topped mince pies, Christmas ham and knitted and crocheted goodies I made. We hosted Christmas day, so even the Christmas dinner was home-made! Nigella's juicy turkey recipe, red cabbage, parsnips, roasties, devils and angels on horseback, stuffing, gravy, carrots and of course the dreaded sprout! It was a triumph, though totally exhausting.

And of course there were the hand-made gifts. And what a lot of goodies I made!

And even more than that...chilli chutney, ear warmers for friends, wrist warmers for my sister-in-law, slippers, a necklace for my nan and a tea cosy for my ma, and finally a cowl and matching wrist warmers for my dear sister. By Christmas Eve I had I've eased off the old crafting for a few days.

Soon I'll share the past year in Crochet with you all...and my new year's resolutions...

Until then, wishing all my blogging buddies a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you on the flipside.

1 comment:

  1. A very Happy New Year to you too! So glad you've had a fab Xmas and looking forward to seeing your first blog post of 2012. xxx


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