
Sunday 1 January 2012

The Year in Yarn

WoW, welcome to a whole new year! 2012 is going to be just huge. Betwixt the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and London 2012 Olympics sits our wedding, as well as my new crochet classes (starting in just a few days!) and a fresh clean year of projects and crafting.

2011 was a great year- I moved into a beautiful new house, got engaged and celebrated some great progression with my career. So I wanted to look back at all the things I created last year to remind me just how far I've come.

Wanna see? Okay then.

* granny stripe scarf*

 *valentines heart bunting*
 *spring flower coasters*

*striped round bedroom cushion*
 *knitted house tea cosy*
 *needle case for a friend*
 *easter bunting*
 *granny stripe baby blanket for Olivia*
 *knitted bib for Leo*
 *felt iPod case- first Mollie Makes cover mount*
 *apple cosy*
 *pom pom garland for Portia*
 *knitted and applique tea cosy for mum*
 *a couple of summery WIPs*

 *flower cushion*
 *Jeremy the cat*
 *did I mention I like tea cosies?*
 *cowboy blanket for Albie*
 *Roberta Rabbit for Grace*
 *cafetiere cosy*
 *ripple scarf for Jane*
 *crochet ear warmer- for me!*

 *knitted wrist warmers- my own pattern!*
 *crochet purse*

 *Baby blanket for a not-yet-born baby*

WoW. A lot of hooky, and only half of it for me and mine! I should set up shop...or maybe an occasional craft stall? What are people's experiences of this?

Anyway, now we're in a new year, and have thrown open the windows in the house and welcomed in 2012. What will it bring? I generally don't make new year's resolutions but I am making a few 'observations' that I hope will shape the new year nicely...

1. Stop procrastinating. Why put off until tomorrow what I can do today? I have organised myself with new diary, calender and motivation and plan to work, blog and craft more regularly and efficiently in 2012. Small goals will reap small rewards hopefully!

2. Take more care of myself. I am a little overweight and would love to get slim, healthy and fit. Not only will I be lovely for the wedding but I will have more energy for my family and be pregnancy-ready for the summer! I also should take more time for myself. Do you know it's been two years since my last haircut? And even longer since I had a wax...time to make some time for me!

3. Start and finish some major projects! More of that soon.

I hope your new year brings everything you wish for...

See you very soon and thank you to everyone for reading my little blog. Your comments and enthusiasm mean the world to bloggers like me. Happy New Year!


  1. Wow- you've been busy and made some amazingly beautiful things!!!!
    Good luck with your "observations"

  2. You've made so much and it's all so gorgeous. Here's to another year of crafting! xx

  3. Some beautiful makes! And a lovely optimistic post, I like :) Hx
    Ps. Yes, you should totally set up shop.

  4. Wow, so many wonderful projects. I especially love the apple cozy. It's soooooo cute!

  5. Why would you think A24 puts you to shame? You have lovely projects and lots of variety. You are not just repeating the same old things in the same old colours. And you knit too as well as giving away lots. So I would say well done to you. I for one am fed up of the A24 copycats, it's not very interesting. There are many able and talented people about and you are one of them. So keep doing what YOU do. It is just as good and much better in many instances!

  6. Wow, thanks everyone! What lovely comments. It sure is lovely seeing the year's project laid out- amazingly productive really! Wait until I share the year ahead with you all...


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