
Monday 12 December 2011

The Finished Object: Baby Ripple blanket

Wow, it's been two weeks since my last post! How very lazy of me. I say lazy, but in truth every spare moment has been dedicated to crochet. And what a crochet project it has been! Just over two weeks of solid rippling...and now it's done! May I present...

The finished object:

I was up crocheting until 1am on Saturday morning, in order to get it finished for the baby shower on Saturday...then edging it on Saturday morning before the party!

I can only apologise for these hastily-taken blurry pictures- hopefully they capture the simple beauty of this baby blanket, I am over the moon with it. And the mum to be just loves it!

So, here are the stats:

Size: 75cm x 75cm
Foundation Chain: 140 + 3 for turning
Pattern: Attic 24 neat ripple pattern
Yarn: Sublime Baby Cashmere Merino Silk DK- 2 x 50g balls each of Dilly, Carrots, Vanilla and Pebble, 1 x 50g ball of Marmite
Cost: Around £45 (yarn is about £4.50 a ball depending on where you buy it...)
Hook: 4mm
Time: A fortnight
Verdict: Beautiful! So soft and snuggly. Warm yet light!



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