
Thursday 31 January 2013

The longest month...

I don't know about you, but it seems in AGE has passed since Christmas. Long, dark, cold days have passed by, wrapped in warm layers and plenty of tea has been drunk.

I am fresh with creativity for February and hope to have my needles and hooks whirring with industry. I have plenty of yarn and I'm not afraid to use it!

But here is a little summary of January, seen through the flattering filters of Instagram.


  1. Lovely things to look at, yes we all need a bit of colour! :) x

  2. Hello!
    lovely blog...found you through 'crafting not cleaning!
    bestest to you and yours
    daisy j

  3. January always seems so long! I don't mind so much, it makes my maternity leave seem longer too :)
    Loving the hexagon blanket and the colours of the yarn in the last pic.


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