
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Hexagon love

As you may recall, I decided after Christmas to use up all the odd DK yarn in my stash and make room for some fresh stash ready to make some beautiful baby things with. Well I must say I am rather thrilled with the results of what is essentially waste! Some of the yarn is leftover from projects, other is leftover odds and ends from projects in my book. Mainly it's Stylecraft Special DK and Rowan Wool Cotton and Pure Wool DK, though the blanket would work with any DK yarn.

 I was inspired by the Circus patchwork hexagon blanket over at Coco Rose Diaries, and spent a long time trying to choose the right hexagon pattern. The ones from our book weren't quite large enough, so I turned to Lucy at Attic24 for the hexagon pattern itself.
Of course my blanket looks very different to theirs! I wanted a vintage 1970s feel, a cosy go-to blanket for my boy for sofa snuggling, to lay across his bed on cold winter nights and to take with him on his travels. So here it is...

It's not huge, just perfect for a lad of two. It's ideal for a cot or lap I'd say. All in all I made 101 hexagons, laid out in 12 rows of 8 or 9. It took no time at all really, just a couple of weeks. I find that the hexagons were quickly whipped up as there were no colour changes. I decided, unlike Vanessa, not to join on the go, as I wanted to play with tessellating the colours afterwards when I knew how many of each colour I had. I've also decided not to edge it. Like my big ripple blanket, I like the raw edges and I think it adds to the retro charm. I hope so anyway. My boy loves it anyhow and it's been in use for a few days already. I hope it serves him for many years yet!

Happy hooking 


  1. I love it, very retro. I like the fact that you would never have put all of those colours together normally but they just work so well all at once. I am also making a leftovers blanket - a giant granny square which will be added to as and when I get more leftover yarn from finished projects. Maybe you could add more hexagons in the future seeing as you've left it without edges. I have two hexagon blankets on the go, makes me want to get them out now. Thanks for the inspiration. xxx

  2. This looks fantastic. The colours are great and what a way to use up all the leftovers. Take care. Chel

  3. Oh, what a beautiful blanket which I am sure will become very sentimental to your son! My dad has a lovely, old patchwork quilt which his grandmother made for him when he was poorly with pneumonia when he was a little boy. He's still got it today!

  4. It's looking great! I love hexies! :) x

  5. I LOVE IT!!!!!! I love how you've left the edging raw too. The Circus Patchwork has become one of my favourite blankets, I think, because it was so easy to whip up, it used up all the scraps, and for a boys blanket, it just seems perfect. It has been a big hit in my house with Baby Bear, and i'm totally sure that yours will be too!

    It's so lovely catching up with all your makes on IG, especially as I seem to have slipped on blogging big time! I hope that you have the most amazing 2013, I'm sure you will!

    Much love

    Vanessa xxx


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