
Wednesday 9 January 2013

New year, new yarn...

As we head into 2013, I'm all about 'out with the old, and in with the new.' 2012 was a momentous year, in lots of ways, but the back end of it was pretty dreadful with my severe pregnancy sickness, losing my stepfather-in-law and two young cousins and the general rainy, damp days. Today is a marked improvement. And there's nothing like opening the windows on a crisp, sunny day to get the creative juices flowing. 

I'm loathe to make big crochet plans for the year, as May heralds the arrival of our second child- a boy, no less. Yes, come the summer we'll have two little chaps so I'm fairly sure I'll have my hands full. So my plans for this coming season are modest. 

Firstly, out with the old! 
I'm stash-busting in a big way. Any DK yarn that's left over in my ottoman is being turned into a hexagon! I've used Attic 24's hexagon pattern and I'm going to make them into a nice patchwork blanket for my two-year-old, Albert. He loves his cowboy patchy blanket, and this will sit alongside nicely. The inspiration came from Coco Rose's blog, whose 'Circus' hexagon blanket is beautiful. Mine will be a little more bits and bobs, and I'm not planning on edging it or creating half hexagons to fill the gaps. I just want use the leftover yarn up and start my stash afresh!

And here's a little make to eek out the very last of the yarn...a pom pom garland! We've done some changing around and refreshing in our living room so this will adorn the bare brick chimney breast until I've found the perfect 1950s mirror to hang instead. 
And in with the new! Or should I say newish? I've had this Yvestown cotton yarn for ages now, and I have now decided it will be a blanket (or two) for baby! I'm planning on using a popcorn flower motif from my upcoming book for the squares, then join them all with the brightest blue. 
I also found a couple of balls of Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino in my ottoman, so turned them into these darling little booties...
And I've chosen the first item of clothing to make for my new little man too- an old man's cardi! 
The pocket will be made with the leftover mustard and red yarn (and any of that leftover will go into the hexagon blanket!) and the main cardi will be that beautiful aquamarine you see there peeking its head into the picture. Both the booties and the cardi pattern are from Cute and Easy Crocheted Baby Clothes by Nicki Trench- there's not much for boys in there but I there are some really lovely projects. Of course no baby should be without some hand-knitted goods either. And I have plans for that too...
Some half price Rowan Cashsoft DK (John Lewis if you're interested) and Nicki Van De Carr's book What to Knit when you're Expecting will provide the little chap with this sweet little sweater for next autumn. 

Of course other projects will come up along the way, I've already earmarked the leftover Yvestown yarn for some projects from the new Simply Crochet magazine (on newsstands tomorrow, pop pickers) and I've got lots of pregnant friends who I like to make baby gifts for. But for now this is enough inspiration to keep me going until Spring! 

Happy Hooking (and knitting) everyone!


  1. I'm going to but that mag tomorrow will check out that yarn site, thanks! :) x

  2. Letting you know that I've mentioned you and the Nicki Trench book in my latest blog post. Do come and see.

  3. Me again... I've written another post about 'the book' you might want to come and see.


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