
Monday 31 December 2012

The Year in Yarn

I cannot believe it's the very end of 2012 already! What a momentous year. Here in Britain we've been celebrating the Queen's diamond jubilee, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games and personally I've celebrated with my wedding and Christmas at home in our little home. The back end of 2012 has been a little wobbly- we've lost a few family members this year, our boiler has broken down and we've discovered a damp problem in the house. But there's much to toast at the end of the year- including having written my own crochet book! so I'm looking back at the year in yarn with fond memories. I've done a few workshops and met so many wonderful crafty friends this year. So thanks to everyone that's inspired me, here's to a productive 2013!

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! I've just started on my crochet journey, hopefully 2013 I will just get better and better! :) x

  2. Beautiful yarny pictures! Happy new year to you :)


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