
Friday 10 February 2012

Weekend Reading

I have been meaning to blog about some wonderful reading for, well, AGES, but time, light and patience are all in short supply at inverleith lately.

I had a tax rebate at Christmas time, so I decided to treat myself to some crafty books. Instead of trawling the virtual aisles of amazon, I decided to just 'go for it' and order a couple of books I have wanted for a very long time. The first one I chose was this:
OOOOOHHH the excitement that ensued when this volume plopped onto my doormat! It is of course The Suitcase Series: Volume 2- Dottie Angel. I absolutely LOVE Tif Fussell's blog and this book is just as inspirational, quirky, beautiful and amusing as the blog, but with much more than I hoped for. There is a mix of how-tos, some lovely anecdotes, stories and journal entries and of course pages and pages of gorgeous granny-chic photos of Tif's studio, craftiness and her home, Mossy Shed.

Here are some of my favourite pages:

So I will soon be subjecting inverleith to some 'doilification' and strings of happy, as well as continuing with The Challenge of the Utmost Kind, which I have been attempting since March last year. Tif's style is just so inspiring it's impossible not to love it!

The other book I have been admiring for ages is purely a visual thing. I have been catchign glimpses of the Japanese craft books on blogland for a while now, so I caved, and purchased this lovely number from Etsy: 

My camera hasn't captured the colours and beauty of this book: it's stunning. I am unsure what project to tackle first. I really need to get my head around reading a Japanese crochet chart, that'll be the first step!

So many wonderful projects within these beautiful pages, my project list is immense!

This weekend we're travelling up to Warrington for my granddad's funeral, which is on Monday. It's been a tough week with two deadlines looming and this sad news. However, our wedding planning is coming along great, I can't wait to share some inspiration boards with you next week when I get back into the flow of things. Having a well-deserved takeaway and glass (or two) of wine while I battle the Nico dress in front of the telly tonight.

Hope your weekend is full of sunshine and inspiration.


p.s. Don't forget to vote for me in the Dorset Cereals Little Blogger Awards!


  1. That Japanese book looks too good! And I'm still itching to get my hands on Tif's day! Hx

  2. Tif's book is just lovely isn't it, everytime I look through it I find new things!

  3. It's ruddy marvellous! Helen, do treat yourself when you get a chance, its totally worth every cent.


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