
Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Finished Object: Nico Dress

I've been waiting a loooooooooooong time to share this with you. And I've been waiting a loooooong time to finish this particular WIP. I started the Nico dress yonks ago- way back in October, remember? Then I ran out of wool. Then I ran out of time before Christmas, then I ran out of motivation. But with January filled with so many Crafty Victories I had some fresh motivation to 'get the job done'

It started with this...
Then eventually progressed to this...
Then this...
After much frogging, scouring the internet for more of this discontinued yarn (Debbie Bliss Merino Aran), waiting and biding my time, I eventually had enough yarn...

To create...

So what do you think?

The pattern is the 'Nico' dress from Vintage Crochet and let me tell you honestly, it was no walk in the park. After several attempts to follow the pattern, unfathomably my square flower motifs were coming out with five corners. So I looked up the errata for the pattern on the Loop website, which set my on my way. However, my squares were coming out a little smaller than the pattern (mine are only six inches square), despite using a larger hook than the pattern said. So I made an extra row of squares for the bottom, and an extra row at the sides, though eventually I ended up removing this vertical row. All in all I made 28 squares, and used 24. I altered the bodice pattern slightly to create an empire line, to show off the beautiful lacy motifs in their full glory. The sleeve pattern was frankly bizarre but I went with it and it turned out OK in the end!

It's a stunning dress, and totally worth all the swearing, frustration and yarn expense, I just love it. it's so warm too!

Yarn: 15 x 50g balls of Debbie Bliss Merino Aran in 325006 'Old Gold'
Hook: 5.5mm
Ribbon: East of India
Pattern: Nico dress by Bee Clinch from 'Vintage Crochet' (see sidebar for linkage)


  1. Absolutely beautiful Kath!
    You clever thing!
    XX well done, I love it X

  2. Simply Stunning! I was browsing Amazon the other day and came across that book. That dresss stuck out as I looked through the pages shown and thought it would be a lovely one to do. You are living proof that it looks gorgeous when done, although I'm not sure I would be as brave as you attempting it. My concentration levels might not be so good and that only means temper tantrums all the way! ha ha! Maybe i'll just settle for staring at yours!

    Well done look awesome in it!


    1. Vanessa you could manage this easily! Just make sure you check the errata first, and scribble any changes down before you begin. And you'll need more yarn than the pattern suggests- I wouls say 12-15 balls rather than the 10 on the pattern. The struggle was with making so many motifs, than having to block and join each one...YAWN.

  3. You look sooo beautiful! Clever thing you! xxx

  4. It's absolutely gorgeous! And I love the pic of you modelling it! Absolute crochet victory!!

  5. Oh my goodness it is amazing! It's so beautiful, I love the colour you chose and I would never have attempted something like this in a million years - me and crochet patterns just don't get along!! Give yourself a big pat on the back, you definitely deserve it, in fact you deserve a trip to the yarn shop to treat yourself to some super duper yarn for your next project. xx

  6. That is majorly impressive!!!!!!!
    soooo beautfil

  7. Thank you everybody! i am so proud that I finished it at last, so pleased I can move on and so pleased that I have a beautiful, unique dress! It's a tricky pattern but totally worth it.

  8. Flipping nora, that is stunning! Well done you, I am tres impressed and a wee bit green with envy at your peachy crochet skills. That last picture is lovely :) Hx

  9. It's amazing. Is that you in the dress it's looks great and I love the colour.

  10. Get you!!! That's amazing!!!!!!! U must be so proud... I think u need to blog about every single time u wear it and what people say because I bet u get asked where u bought it from, imagine the huge sense of satisfaction when u say u made it!!!!!! ( u r rocking those plaits too) xxx

  11. What a perfectly lovely dress and you look wonderful in it xx

  12. Hi Kath, I'm so glad I found your blog!! I have been struggling with the Nico dress since Feb last year. The errata have been driving me mad (and been making me quite angry considering the book cost £20!!). I too have found the errata on the Loop website but I'm having real problems with the sleeves. I'm sure there must be errors in the pattern (the turning chains and number of rows 3-6) however after reading your blog I fear I am missing something essential here! My squares are fine, I figured out the error very early on however I am now loosing the will to live.... you will understand I'm sure! Can you talk me through how you did the sleeves, surely with the turning chains as in the patterns you get lumps at the end of rows?
    Any advice/help greatly appreciated. Oh yes, and I've just found out I am 2 possibly 3 balls of yarn short.... another errata.....grrrrrrrr.

  13. Hi Maz! This dress is little blighter, my struggles with this pattern are well documented. To be honest I am not sure about the turning chains, I think I just persevered with the sleeve instructions, despite my misgivings (liek yours, I imagine). The sleeve will not look like a sleeve, it will look like a weird flight of stairs. However, do keep to the pattern- it comes good in the end! The sleeves 'slot' into the descreases on the dress, it's all in the making up. Plus, use the turning chains and lumpy corners to attach the sleeve to the dress, and it will make sure your sleeve is perfect. Trust me, it does work! The lumpy bits you're worried about stretch slightly as you shape the sleeve into the dress bodice, so it works out beautifully. Do it inside out (or WS facing) and it'll be fine. Good luck!

    1. thanks Kath, I've unpicked the sleeves and will start again and stick to the pattern. The good news is I have managed to acquire four more balls of wool on ebay! Happy Days. I'm looking forward to finishing it I must admit. So many other projects beckon ;-). I am making this for a friend. She owes me big time haha.
      Take care and happy hooking!
      Maz x

  14. Hi Kath, glad to find your post as I want to double check whether there is error on back bodice as I can't work it out. How come the stitch jump from 60 to 24?

    1. Hi Amy! Hmmmm, I'm not sure about this as it was so long ago that I made it! Also I made up the bodice parts to accommodate the extra row of motifs in the skirt. The pattern is on ravelry so might have some notes on it there? Plus other people may have added comments or notes there too. Good luck!


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