
Monday 4 July 2011

Dropping by...

Like so many of you out there, I've been so busy with 'real life', I've been neglecting my blog life. I don't suppose it matters terribly, the sun has been shining and there are better things to do perhaps than read up my latest exploits. Work has been a huge distraction of late, with a new role as well as that as mother to an energetic 13 month old. It's hard to find quality crafting time amongst hectic family life. Albie has been enjoying the good weather- trips to the park, his first time in the paddling pool, and a little visit to the 3Foot People festival- a hectic three-day event aimed at under-5s. He threw tantrums in the nappy change tent, refused to leave the sandpit and crawled through red paint. so it was definitely testing for his dear old ma.

Blogger has once again caused me to lose the entire blog post bar that one top paragraph. Grrrrr. So will shorten this post to just little snippets of the past week or so.

 Some sneaky crafting while Albie has his nap...the felt flower from Mollie Makes issue 2...

The beginnings of a flock of bluebirds for my friends, The Bluebird Kitchen...
And here is my effort manning the Bluebird Kitchen at Hooga while the girls were at Glastonbury...
 Another glorious tea and cake mecca- the a canteen pop-up cafe at 3foot people- caravan, gazebo, bunting, and a bike/ice cream cart- heaven! We admired the view perched on a hay bale. Albie had his first encounter with a piglet and he was terrified.
One of the Bluebirds setting up the tent at the Fling...
I popped along to the boot sale on Sunday- and just look at the goodies I found! Shelves- £3, Fabric- £2, lampshade- 20p, pink teapot- £1.50, brown teapot + cosy- £1! His name is bob and he pours beautifully. I love him.

 The gardens at Hylands House...

 And finally, cream tea at the stables courtyard...

Looking forward to revealing a project to you all later in the week, and issue 3 of Mollie Makes on Tuesday. I am hoping to begin a blanket-making frenzy next week, so i am planning colours and patterns in my head.
Until then, happy crafting!


  1. Kath, those shelves are gorgeous!! I really really really want them. Maybe I can get Mr Gross making some for me!

  2. Ooh, those really are fantastic boot sale finds. Lucky you! Laura x

  3. Lovely stuff Kath! Haven't been to a boot sale yet this year! Hope you enjoyed Hylands, I've been away so the studio has been unmanned, hope to see you next time! Lynne x


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