
Friday 24 June 2011

A mini seaside adventure

Hi all! Apologies for my absence this week, I've not had much to blog about. At the weekend we were due to go to a wedding in Norwich, but a combination of teething Bert and traffic on the A14 left us late and really not in the mood for a wedding. So we bunked off! We decided to drive a little further on and visit the Norfolk seaside town of Cromer. It's a very odd little place- there's not much worth visiting beyond the seafront and it's wonderful old-fashioned pier, sandy beaches and many promenade amusements.

We stopped for tea and sheltered from one heck of a shower in a glorious little Victorian tea room- utterly cute. It's a shame it didn't overlook a village green with cricket- it'd have been perfect! Then we bimbled around the town, came across a gorgeous little bookshop and tobacconists and perused the millions of charity shops. I stopped in the haberdashery section of the department store and bought some yarn and embroidery thread, then we got ice cream and walked down to the beach. We sat on the prom and ate chips- some of the best seaside chips I've ever had. Delish! To hell with the diet that day.

On the way back to visit the mother in law in Wymondham we stopped at this adorable fresh veg stall. I am into all things caravan right now, so it was very pleasing to see the caravan there, full of local produce. The chalkboard had a list of the produce and how many food miles it had travelled.

It was a good weekend for food. After eating some incredible Norfolk strawberries, chips and ice cream, we also came home with some of the last of the season's asparagus and fresh tomatoes. And we still had gooseberries leftover from our PYO, so I made a tart from the recipe in this month's Country Living. And bloody delicious it was too! Of course, I didn't leave Cromer without a crab. Crab for one, please! Nom.

I haven't been making very much this week, craft-wise.I finally got round to making D an iPhone sock for a father's day pressie, and making up the felt flower that was the free gift with Mollie Makes, both of which I'll photograph and show you over the weekend. I'm still stitching the flowers onto the cushion, but having issues with gaps- i made too many large flowers and now I wish I had made small ones too! The dilemma is- do I unravel one layer of petals of the extraneous flowers, or make some different ones to fill the gaps- in different colours? I tried making up a rose last night, but it's too '3D 'if you what I mean. I will peruse the resource that is the internet and try and find a little solution, then next week will be 'the big reveal'!

In other news, Cath Kidston and Emma Bridgewater have sales on. WOOOOOOT! Must. Resist. I am diong so well with the Utmost Challenge! I'm also saddened by the news that Habitat has gone into administration. I spent many years working there, and I adore the products and ethos- great British design at affordable prices. I'm loving the Ella Doran stuff at the mo- so might purchase before it's gone forever...
Napkin (as above) and table runner methinks...though I love the plate upon a plate too. Further investigations pending!

Have a fab weekend, I'll be back with more in a few days time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I used your lovely picture of the Victorian Tea Rooms for a couple of days/weeks? My mum is taking over the tea rooms and has, as yet, to provide me with a nice picture. I am making a mockup of the website myself but didn't want to use something without permission. The photo might not even make the live site but... yeah, I wanted to ask first!


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