
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Purly Queen

 Hello again. It's another grey, rainy day here in my corner of the world. So rainy that the postman has left his bike at home and is delivering by car! It's been like this for days. The grey creeps in, you know? Makes me feel very lacklustre. Especially as me and the baby bear have a cold. Yuck. I felt it coming on Sunday, by Monday night I was a rough old zombie. But I did managed to complete my first freelance commission despite Albie hanging off my leg all day. Albie is still clingy and whingy, he must be feeling bad still. His numerous failed attempts at walking are not helping the situation- he tumbles and every slight upsets him. So it's been hardcore motherhood despite a deadline and a cold.

However the little things continue to keep my spirits up. Hugs and sloppy kisses from Albie, his funny singing, a perfectly weekend-ish weekend. This lovely fish bowl of hyacinths came courtesy of D, when he came back from a haircut on Saturday. Lovely, non? I wish I could smell them. My nose is so blocked I can smell and taste very little. Last night I made a jalfrezi (a Jamie Oliver recipe from the 20 Minute Meals app) to clear the nostrils and tingle the tastebuds. It was yummy. I think chillies are addictive? It could have been hotter, though it was pretty hot.

 My valentines roses are still going, with the lovely velvety petals curling out, which I think looks so dramatic.
Some magazines I have barely had a chance to read.

 I hope Spring will be on the way soon. I love this feature in the March Country Living- all about Spring flowers! I love April/May in Chelmsford. The cherry blossom, magnolia and crocuses all appear. At the moment it's deep purple tulips and snowdrops poking through the gloom. Maybe when it stops raining I will take Albie over the road to the Tower Gardens- it's lovely in the Spring. Daffodils next! 

 And here is my main news. I can now KNIT! On Sunday I went over to Make, do & Mend at Truly, Madly, Vintage Home on Moulsham Street and attended the lovely Hannah's first beginner's knitting course. It was so much fun! Just me and Hazel of In a Nutshell drinking tea and knitting. I absolutely loved it! The khaki piece is Sunday's achievement- some practicing with lots of mistakes of course. We learnt to cast on, knit, purl, increase, decrease and cast off! I love it, it's so addictive- maybe even more so than crochet?

 And here is the improved knitting. I spent yesterday afternoon practising and now I have a lot more confidence. Maybe even to try a project soon! Perhaps the house tea cosy from Kirsty's Homemade Home!
I'd like to make a cushion like one I saw in Homes & Antiques- from M&S. I'll knit the cushion cover in moss stitch then crochet the flowers in lots of lovely colours. Hurrah!

After the knitting workshop I went over to Portia's mum's for a roast beef dinner. It was AMAZING. all the trimmings! Albie was very well behaved though he frightened Oscar the dog by being a little too friendly. 
I am hoping to do a few more courses at Make, do & Mend soon- cushion making and maybe even some more knitting one day! Hannah has got loads going on over there- clothes alteration, upholstery, crochet, pottery painting, felting...loads. We're going to look at some houses on Saturday in Moulsham, so it'll be local!
I will have to sign off for now. Albie is causing major mischief- eating the contents of the waste paper basket, chewing the laptop adapter cord, pulling all the CDs off the shelf and using them as a drum.
This afternoon I'm going to make some butternut squash soup, I'll post my recipe up later. And perhaps some banana bread. Nothing like baking on a rainy day! Right, back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Wow check you out. Sounds like you had a great time. You should look at some of the courses they run over at Hylands House, they are really good, I can reccommend them, I have done a couple now. Good luck with the house hunting. Moulsham is a nice area, not that I am bias or anything ;). Hope you and Albi are feeling much better soon. We are meant to have some sunshine tomorrow at last, fingers crossed. xxx


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