
Monday 28 February 2011

In love with Vintage

Is it Spring yet? For a couple of days last week it sure felt like it. Heck, a couple of days I even went out without a coat. The clear clear skies and longer days produced a belter of a sunset on Thursday. This is the view from the bedroom window. Beautiful, non? My photography is shocking, I know. But I love the pinks and purples behind the black silhouette of the bare trees. 

Just lovely. A few trees have some tiny blossoms and buds already, so hopefully only a few more weeks of gloom and this will be a regular sight.
 On Saturday we went to view a house, then bimbled around town before heading to the Truly Madly Vintage vintage and handmade fair. It was just fab. Lots of goodies from Truly Madly Vintage, a stall selling lovely felted goodies, some vintage cake stands, jewellery and even a crochet stall. My fave was Sparrow & Nightingale's goodies though- lovely cushions and treats made from vintage fabrics. We purchased this cushion for a bargain £12. So cute! We've been wanting an owl cushion for ages. It looks lovely, don't you think?
 The Main Purchase though was this vintage dress. It was very expensive- I can't afford it really but I am selling a bunch of stuff on eBay at the moment so that will pay for this. A late 1940s dress with cherry blossom print. It fits as though it was made for me. Or least it will when I have lost a few more pounds. It swooshes. It swishes. It makes me feel a million dollars. It has cute little buttons on the collar and little piped pockets, too.
 I couldn't wait to get it home and try it with my red patent belt and forest green suede peep toes. I feel like a movie star! Also at the vintage fair was Plum Fairy- gorgeous vintage china and tea parties. The cake was magnificent, and the tea didn't stop coming. Sugar lumps, dainty teacups and lovely teapots. Delightful.
 All the goodies at the vintage fair were so inspirational, and got me thinking. I have been struggling to find clothes lately, all the shops seem to cater to younger, thinner models than I. And let's face it, the vintage homeware has been creeping in for ages. So I decided to take up the Dottie Angel challenge of the utmost kind.

With the help of blogland and Make, do & Mend, family members and crafty friends, I think I can do it. Of course when moving day eventually comes we will need a new sofa (from the big blue Swedish place), but besides that new purchase, I intend to thrift, make and upcycle around Inverleith for the foreseeable. Home-made, second-hand or vintage, that is my new criteria when it comes to my clothes and home. Okay, I'm realistic, there will be certain things I need from new. But here it is: the challenge set by Tif. Please go check out her blog Dottie Angel, on my sidebar. I'm sure you'll come around to her way of thinking. 
So, TMV, MDM, Second Time Around, Odds and Sods and eBay- you'll be seeing a lot more of me. And as for the charity shops of Essex. Watch out, here I come.
Oh, and I'm also thinking about Dottie Angel camp. Aldeburgh and vintage crafting? I'd be in heaven.


  1. You have my utmost respect and support. It's something I have been thinking about for a while and to a certain extent I am doing it with my home. I would LOVE to prove to myself that I can do this with my clothes too.

    Good luck, I'll be following you every step of the way :)

  2. hello there! just came across your blog via twitter :) it's awesome. and it's cool to see someone in cyberspace who is from essex! i am too. i'll follow you back on twitter. love your style and everything, very cool
    beth x

  3. Kath - There is still room for the workshop with dottie angel. Come. Join us.


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