
Monday 19 August 2013

Essential Kit

Over the four and half years I have been crocheting, it's only really become apparent in the last year or so what my real crochet essentials are. 
I was so inspired by this post by Emma (aka Lulu Loves) on the Simply Crochet blog, that I decided to share my essential kit with you all. These are the items I use day after day, and I keep them all in a handy oilcloth zip bag that my mother-in-law gave me a few months ago. I keep this in my project basket, and often pack a small project in it to sling in my bag for car crochet, or a portable project.

So here are my wares: (clockwise from top left)
1. Hooks! I have a range of hooks, and keep one or two of each size in my case. I have to admit, I usually use a 4mm, 5mm, or 6mm hook most often, and I cannot be without my Clover Soft touch 4mm aluminium hook. I love the plastic handle, it sits best in my hand. I am what you call a 'chef'- and hold the hook like a knife! 'artists' hold their hooks like a pencil, which is more deliberate and careful I find. For speed, it's the knife hold for me! I also have some standard Pony aluminium hooks in various sizes, and a couple of soft, light, warm bamboo hooks. Make sure the point of your hook is indeed pointy, otherwise it can be hard to crochet I find! I have some plastic hooks from magazines, which I love for their colours and how light they feel in your hands. I have a couple of very tiny 1.5mm and 2mm hooks from my grandmother's sewing box too! and the others range in size from the tiny steel vintage ones up to that big orange 10mm hook- ideal for Hoopla (t-shirt) yarn. The case was made for me by my friend Amy, I do believe the pattern is from Love...Crochet by Carol Meldrum.

2. Sharp scissors! These are from Cath Kidston and were a lovely present from my best pal. I love the oilcloth case, essential with small people about! They are sharp, and I only ever use them for cutting yarn and occasionally fabric. 

3. Measuring tape! This is another little Cath Kidston treat. I love that it's retractable and polka dot. Essential for measuring tension squares, blankets and foundation chains when I'm pattern writing. 

4. Clover Pom-pom makers! Once you've tried these, you won't able to stop! Perfect for lazy pom-pom making with odd scraps of yarn, and for whipping up quick gifts like pom-pom garlands...or for adorning a tea cosy. 

5. Needle Case! Another Cath Kidston treat- perfect for holding my darning needles and general sewing needles for sewing in ends, or adding embellishments such as buttons, eyes, ribbon or lace to my work. Above that is some 'Handmade with Love' fabric tape from a past issue of Mollie Makes, I stitch a tag into each gift I make. 

6. Travel Sewing Kit! This contains little scissors, a thimble, safety pins, needles, a measuring tape and a colourful thread plait. And I use it ALL the time! It was a christmas gift from my brother and I now consider it essential! It's guessed it! Cath Kidston. 

7. Stitch Markers! That tiny silver-coloured bird was part of a set given to me by the delicious Erin, and has become a staple in my kit. These are beautiful little charms from Nest in Crouch End, but you can get all sorts of locking and plastic stitch markers. I can't crochet circles or amigurumi without them. 

I'm hoping to share a yarny post soon, sharing some of my favourite and essentials yarns in my stash. 

And I have a new project or three to share soon!

In the meanwhile, happy hooking friends!


  1. Have not tried pom-pom makers, I just use good old cardboard and lots of hand winding. Do you think I should get some?! X

  2. Thanks for indulging the Nosey Parker in me, I must try those Pom Pom makers! :) x

  3. Pom Pom makers are awesome- so addictive! I think they're going to play an integral part of my Christmas theme this year!


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