
Thursday 28 February 2013

It may be winter outside...

...but in my heart it's Spring! After the longest month EVER (janurary), February has flown by. Thank goodness. I'm sick of winter, absolutely had enough. It's been soooooo cold in my little corner, snow flurries and biting winds and grey, dull days. But there is something about the light that is changing. It even smells different outside. I know many have said it, but spring is on the way. I've been out of action for a week or so, with a poorly finger (that ended me up in a&e on saturday- meh). So knitting has stopped, and crochet has slowed WAY down. 

i've been making the most of the changing seasons, enjoying the heady scent of the hyacinths and the light that now fills the living room most of the day. i've been polishing my crafty soul and picking up my hook when the whim takes me, rather than committing myself to too much. i'm making a couple of baby bits for friends who are popping sprogs out all over the place. when i've finished these little projects i can get on with making stuff for my own bump, which is due to make its debut in only 12 weeks time. we've been busy trying to have a massive clear out and furniture shuffle before we start on the nursery. then basically it's a matter of the application of lots of Annie Sloan chalk paint and some vintage wallpapers from the Little Teawagon shop. And of course some handmade goods by moi! 

I've been completely overwhelmed by the response the book has got over on Instagram, thank you all so much for all your lovely comments and encouragement. I still very nervous about it- nothing in this world is perfect and there is bound to be some mistakes despite the hard work of our pattern consultant Carol Meldrum. Out of 500 blocks there is bound to be something wrong! So if you get stuck with anything or there are any glaring errors please let me know then Hannah and I can check it out and make sure any future editions are improved. The competition to win a signed copy is still open tonight until midnight so there is still a chance to win!

Hope you're all enjoying the changing seasons- hope March brings some sunshine and happiness. 

Happy hooking 

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