
Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Crafty Life

PHEW. After a LOT of crocheting, we have finally finished making everything for the book! I assisted with a day of photographing on Monday at the shop, and the end is in sight. It's been very hard work, and I feel like I've been on another planet truth be told. All I have thought about for the past six weeks is crochet, and now my house is a TIP! A (VERY LATE) spring clean is underway here at inverleith, starting with the blog! Thank goodness I can get back to blogland, it's been forever. Welcome to my new readers, and thanks for visiting me here. I have of course got the mother of all weekend projects coming up in the new year- 500 Crochet Blocks! It's not live on amazon yet, but soon will be for pre-order. Exciting! In them meantime I have so much I want to share with you!

A few Saturdays ago I took myself off to Make, Do & Mend for a lampshade workshop. I've been wanting to do one of these for AGES! And I was so pleased the workshop was being taught by one of my favourite surface pattern designers, Georgia Coote. Her beautiful designs and illustrations can be found on the incredible walls of the shop, and this tiled wall was created for the Chelmsford Arts Trail last autumn.

 First we had to choose a fabric. As two people had already chosen the fabric I liked, I used some Liberty tana lawn I bought a few weeks back on a pilgrimage to the store.
 Then I rummaged for trim. I had bought some orange pom pom trim from Liberty (as well as a LOT of expensive small items that I am squirelling away for a rainy day)
 As if that wasn't enough, I was tempted by the haberdashery wall at Make, Do & Mend.
 But chose some antique lace to embellish mine.
 Georgia talked us through the tricky processes, whilst we drank tea and ate biccies.

 Ta dah!
A beautiful sight: retro lampshade goodness. Hurray!

Fun with: glue gun, special fabric backing, spray adhesive, trim rummaging, fabric choosing, measuring, cutting and sticking. What more could you ask for?



  1. OMG! I'm so jealous, those shades look AMAZING! Well done, and it looks like it was a really fun day too....if they do another one I might be tempted to hop on down there... Glad u survived the crazy book finishing too! Well done super lady XXXXX

    1. Caroline you should TOTALLY come down again! There is one in October i think...

  2. Gosh, these are stunning! I wish I had your talent - you are so good at everything you do! Yvonne xx

  3. I've looked at this workshop a few times and often thought about it. Maybe once we have our own place - which we are still on the lookout for :( I will sign up to create a little lightshade magic x x x x

  4. Thanks so much for writing about the workshop Kath! I had a lovely morning with you :) x x

    1. It was so much fun, I just loved it. Simple things please simple minds ;)x


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