
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Making mojo...

Now that the thrill, excitement and sheer panic of finishing the book has subsided, the past couple of weeks have been dedicated to new projects. Thoughts now turn to autumn, and making cosy little projects up- I'm hoping to resume my Weekend Projects series of patterns, beginning with a few little makes for autumn. Anyhow, there are a couple of blankets on my 'to make' list (isn't there always?), some slippers, a couple of scarves and a little beret too.
However, I have a little 'Ta-Dah!' to share first. It's a real Crafty Victory for me- the first hand-knitted garment made by moi...
 Please excuse the rather bleached-out photography...I would dearly love to have a beautiful camera and learn how to use it, but for now my iPhone takes better pictures than my ribbish Olympus digital camera...
 The cardi was a vintage pattern, from my friend Hannah. It's early 1970s, and had a matching crochet hat pattern too...
 The yarn is Sirdar Escape DK, purchased some time ago at the knitting and stitching show. I used around six balls.
 And the buttons? I couldn't resist using these darling little Liberty buttons, the greens and blues look so sweet with the brown don't you think? And I fully forsee myself wearing this ALL the time. Because brown goes with everything!
And here I am modelling it with my favourite vintage sun dress.
As we softly creep into autumn, I have been craving nights on the sofa with my hook in hand. Over the weekend I started a new baby blanket for a gift...
 And I also made this beautiful collar. The pattern is from LuluLoves and the yarn is Rowan Wool Cotton DK in 'Antique' and the button was from my jar. I intend to make a mustard one next, with a wooden button. But for now, this cream one is wrapped up ready to give to a friend today at lunch.
Happy hooking!


  1. Love your choice of buttons! Got and email from amazon about a vintage knitting book which reminded me of your cardi! Thinking if getting it...
    Love that collar!

    Ali x

    1. Thanks Ali! I have seen some lovely vintage knit many projects, not enough time! Glad to see you back blogging again xxx

  2. Congratulations on finishing the book! I tried crochet after chatting to you at Dottie Angel, but have to confess to finding it REALLY difficult! Got any advice on a super easy book/tutorial/pattern for complete beginners?

    1. Thanks Jack! I always recommend Cute and Easy Crochet by Nicki Trench, some lovely easy-to-follow projects with clear instructions and illustrations. Good luck with the crochet!

  3. Wow, these are all so wonderful! I can't believe you made all of that. I especially love that collar, it's very cute.

    1. Thanks Jessica1 I love the collar too, made another one at Knit and Natter, it's so tempting to make one in each colour!


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