
Monday 25 June 2012

Roman Holiday

I've always wanted to go to Rome, ever since I watched Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck zipping around Piazza Venezia on a Vespa scooter. So for our honeymoon, we had four stolen days in Rome. Four days without child, work, internet, rain, housework and EVERYTHING. Four days might not seem like much for a honeymoon, but to us it was a small piece of heaven. We ate, drank, walked, loafed, people watched and saw the sights on our long weekend. We visited the Colosseum, Vatican museums and Sistine Chapel, drank Caffe Fredo on Piazza Navona, ate gelato at the Trevi fountain, climbed the Spanish steps and had cheeky cocktails at Harry's Bar. Yes, we lived 'la dolce vita' for a few days!

Here are some holiday snaps, of this beautiful, ancient, welcoming city. Thank you, Roma, for the time of our lives. 



  1. Those pics are great, and remind me of our honeymoon there!!

  2. Ah Rome... vespas, ice cream and the colosseum, what's not to like :o) Great pics xx


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