
Wednesday 16 May 2012


I'm always on the look out for treasure...
Some pretty, textural yarn, bathed in sunshine...(arucaunia nature cotton if you covet)
 Making some leftovers into something beautiful...
Some real life treasure in the form of my late grandfather's sewing box...
including my nana's old crochet hooks!

 My dad also saved me this beautiful iridescent glassware too.
 I splashed out some new treasure too! Some kitchy plastic, fun, cute GORGEOUS bits from acorn & will...I know you'll love them! And some lovely Primark bedding. Not usually a Primark homewares fan but I couldn't resist.
I'm working on some exciting I disappear for a while to work on the book! I'll still be here with some weekend projects and a few finished can't be all work and no play!

Thanks for dropping by and visiting my little world. It's wonderful that so many of you visit here and say hello. See you all soon.


1 comment:

  1. You've got some beautiful treasures there, I love a bit of vintage haberdashery especially when it has been handed down through the family. That yarn looks amazing too, such a lovely bright spring like colour. xx


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