
Friday 3 February 2012

Weekend Project #1


I am adding a new feature to my blog. Up in the top bar there you'll see a tab that says 'Patterns and Ideas'. As often as I can, I'll be adding weekend projects for you to have a go at- whether it is crochet, knitting, cooking or sewing, it'll all be easy stuff. Just some inspiration really, and a way for me to share some crafty epiphanies of my own. I don't think I will have time for full tutorials, but I will do my best to explain everything as thoroughly as possible, and add a tutorial for beginners when I can.

First up on the tab today is my knitty wrist warmers. Just click on the tab on the bar there and you'll be transported to the pattern for the above project. Yippeeeee!

Also, please check out details of my next crochet workshops, taking place on 31st March. Soon I'll be adding details of my 'Even more crochet' workshop, coming this Spring.

Finally, I have been nominated for a Dorset Cereals Little Blogger Award! Please click on the bottom up there in the top left of the page to vote for me- it'd be the absolute doggie's do-dahs to win. Thank you to whomever was so kind to nominate my little blog. I feel a giveaway coming on soon!

Wishing you a knitty and not-too-chilly weekend

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I look forward to more weekend patterns and ideas, how very lovely. I shall also vote for your bloggy blog :) Hx


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