
Monday 23 January 2012

A crafty victory!

The world of crafting has well and truly opened up its arms and let me in. And thank goodness. Not content with learning to crochet, then knit, I can now sew! This pleases me greatly. Frightened of beautiful Betsey (my 1970s Frister + Rossmann 45 sewing machine) for the last three months, yesterday I conquered my fear.

As you may recall, I did a curtain making workshop at Make, Do & Mend back in August, promptly moved house and forgot everything I learned. Well on Saturday I did a scatter cushion workshop at the very same place and after what seemed like a rather traumatic three hours (I had a very naughty machine- it was not my friend) I produced this:

 Here I am looking triumphant...
I now have the skills to make curtains and cushions. With my knitting and crochet skills, I will become a jedi soft furnishings master. I have become desperate to make more stuff...cushions, bean bags, frocks! So I am very keen for this lovely tome to be released over here in the UK- I just love Tanya Whelan's fabric designs (currently adorning my dressing table stool). You can have a sneaky preview of the beautiful book Sew What You Love over on the Yvestown blog (one of my very favourites). I have also ordered two other crafty books which I am absolutely FIZZING with excitement over. I can't wait for them to arrive so I can share them with you.

In the meantime, here are a couple of small projects I have been working on this month- I have so much more to share with you, including my knitted wristwarmers pattern and some lovely small treats.

 A cafetiere cosy for my mum, which matches her tea cosy Christmas present...
A pair of teeny booties (more on these later) for a baby girl, who today is just five days old. I am creating more lovely things for this precious girl, which I'll share with you all very soon. I've also almost finished some curtains for Albie's revamped bedroom, hopefully I will get them up at the window today! Such a grey day for photography, fingers crossed for sunshine.

Happy crafting!



  1. Ooh that cushion is just delightful, well done! And I really need one of my friends to hurry up and have a baby so I can make some cutie booties like those! Hx

  2. cute booties, and I look forward to more of your jedi soft furnishing adventures!!


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