
Wednesday 21 September 2011

A mini make

Three posts in three days? Woweeee, you must be spoilt. Ahem.

I am feeling rough today, I think it is cold o'clock here at inverleith. (we do not live at inverleith any more, but it is our spiritual home, so therefore our new home shall also be called inverleith.) My little man has been sleeping for two and a half hours, which is quite the record for a daytime nap. He was up a lot last night, his blocked nose was stopping him from breathing. He has been remedied with vapour rub and cuddles. I will settle for a nice cup of tea and some crochet. My dress is coming along steadily, two more balls of the yarn I am using miraculously appeared on eBay so I purchased yesterday. A tense moment, waiting for that auction to end. The same dyelot, same colour, was meant to be.

I have some lovely early autumn memories storing up already, which I will share at the end of the week, but for now, here is another little friend I crafted while we didn't have the internet over the last couple of weeks.

It's Roberta Rabbit! I little cousin to Jeremy the Cat. She is now safely in the arms of baby Grace, who loves her dearly.

Yarn: Sirdar Luxury Soft Cotton DK (except the yellow which is a Calico Cotton DK)
Fabric: A Tanya Whelan scrap from my sister


  1. Oh my, how I love Roberta Rabbit! It is always wonderful when happy perfections turn up on ebay. Good to hear from you today. :-)

  2. he's gorgeous...what a bobby dazzler! well done...and lovely house pics too - glad you are moved and getting sorted XXX

  3. I have just seen your likes in the sidebar - i love every single one of them. Not many people have heard of she and him, they are so good and i am such a big zooey fan.

  4. I'd love to make this for my friends due baby. Do you share patterns?

  5. Hi Becca! Well the body pattern was from Little Woollie (blog) and the ears, arms and feet were from the Syd Rabbit pattern in Vintage Crochet (see sidebar), so I can't claim this as my own I'm afraid!

  6. Well, you did put the various pieces together so it's kind of your own ;) Thanks for sharing and i'll try making one myself. I'll let you know how it goes! b


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