
Tuesday 30 August 2011

We're here!

Hello! just a quick post to say that we have now moved house, and it all went rather smoothly in the end. no breakages, and we're all smitten with our beautiful new abode. the week before moving day was very stressful; the exchange of contracts didn't happen until 3pm on Friday, then we moved the very next day! so, as we were unsure if we would move at all, we're disorganised. no tv until Friday (when the Sky engineer comes), and no phone line or internet until the 15th! until then, blogland, farewell. xxx


  1. Congratulations on your new home. Hope you will be very happy there, although it sounds like you already are! Can't wait to see some photos of the new place. Hope you manage to get the unpacking soon. xx

  2. yay! glad the move went ok and you are now installed in your new little nest...looking forward to the pics XXX


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