
Sunday 7 August 2011

Summer cosiness...

Hello! I've just returned from a week in Devon- our second family holiday together with the little blondie bear. The weather was fairly rubbish except for Wednesday, so we skipped the North Devon show and decided to go to beautiful Croyde bay. It was a perfect family day, and the rest of the grey week was spent bimbling around market towns and exploring the area. There was an abundance of pannier markets, cream teas and proper old-fashioned market town high streets- all of which had miles of bunting strung around! Heavenly, and so very English.

Today I am spending the day catching up with myself- washing, cleaning etc. and of course catching up with blogland! I had no internet and only rarely a mobile phone connection so I feel as though I have been away for years. I am loving catching up with all the news on my favourite blogs, projects revealed and holidays and days out. I will share some postcards from Devon with you all this week, and all the thrifty and naughty purchases I made whilst away.

But first I want to wave a big 'HELLO!' to all my new readers, and say a big thank you to everyone who reads my blog, shares their thoughts and encourages my crochet habit. And thank to everyone who voted for me in the Dorset Cereals Little Blogger Award. I am not sure if it's monthly or on-going? I don't think I won, my blog is just too little!

As usual, my main concern today is crochet. But of course! I made a beautiful little something the day before I went away for my dear friend Hannah's birthday. She is inspirational, beautiful lady behind Make, Do & Mend in Chelmsford, and she is a constant source of admiration from me, so I wanted her to have something just lovely and peachy for her big day. Wanna see? OK.

Do you like it? I it! I absolutely love it. The pattern was from Crochet With Raymond and was an absolute dream to work. It was very simple and I simply MUST make one for myself. A girl can never have too many tea cosies, right? So glad you agree with me.

The yarn is simply yarn from stash- my usual acrylic I suspect, with a vintage button to snuggly wrap the tea cosy around the handle. J'adore!

I am also working on this beauty for little blondie bear. I'm using stash, just whatever I have left really. I'm trying to keep in the theme of the Cath Kidston cowboy print.

It's from the wonderful Dottie Angel's Extraordinary Ordinary Blanket, perfect for some autumn cosiness. Can't wait for him to be able to snuggle on up in it!

I also have this to catch up with today, accompanied by oodles of tea. Better hop to it!


  1. You have been busy, the tea cosy looks great and the blanket is really coming along nicely xxx

  2. Glad you had a nice time away, sorry that the weather wasn't better for you. The tea cosy is completely GORGEOUS! Must make one. I've been meaning too for ages, but I have a WIP list that is ridiculous at the minute!

    Love the dottie Angel blanket too, and the colour choice is great. I love the cowboy print, my bears have a lot of it. It will look amazing when it's finished. You are on crochet fire!

    Picked up my MM mag before the weekend. Baby Bear wants me to make the felt biscuits for his pretend shop!

    Have a super week!



  3. It is SO beautiful. You must make another for you. I would have found it so hard to part with. You could make some to sell too. Just gorgeous. I am happy to have found your lovely blog,

  4. Hi Traci- welcome! Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I've just finished another granny tea cosy for my sister in law's birthday tomorrow, but I promise I will make my own at the weekend. I'm still cracking on with the ordinarily extraordinary blanket, hope to reveal it next week!x

  5. Had great fun admiring your crochet today! So glad to have happened by =)


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