
Wednesday 17 August 2011

Postcards from Devon, part 2

Hello all! It's been a while again, sorry about that. We've finally had the good news we've been waiting for for a year...we're moving house! Next weekend, to be be precise. So we have been packing, sorting, clearing and generally preparing for the big day. I will be sad to leave Inverleith-the first home we shared together, and the first home of our blondie bear. But I'm excited to be going to a house- a little Victorian end of terrace with a real garden!

My Mr has been spending time at the new allotment, bringing home produce from other plot holders and goodies that his allotment partner, Scott, has been growing since he took the plot over in March. We've had potatoes, cabbage and courgettes (of course). Yummy! D has started a blog, Plot 77, so as soon it's ready I'll add it to my sidebar for you to check out what he's been up to down there.

But for now, here are some more snaps from my trip to Devon. I've been having a disaster with the blanket for Albie, messing up the number of rows and stitches, which sadly is very obvious on such a simple design. So I've had to unravel a few squares and start over, which slows things down a bit as you can imagine. Right now the little scamp keeps diving on me and blowing raspberries on my arm. To be honest it's driving me BONKERS but amuses him no end. I really would LOVE just half an hour to myself sometimes, just to have a cup of tea with cake or write something without a child hanging off me or a pile of washing up to do, you know? I guess what I am saying is, I need a holiday. I'd love to spend the weekend in Bath, just wandering, crafting and eating. yes, that is exactly what I need. But that is highly unlikely. SO, here are some memories from the family holiday we shared a couple of weeks ago.

 The view from the cottage...every day but one was grey and misty...
 A vase of heady sweet peas (as well as cream tea) awaited us upon arrival...
 Bitter shandy and half a pint of prawns for lunch at the Rock in Lynmouth...
 An early morninng spot of sunshine in the rolling Devon countryside...
 The sand dunes in Croyde bay...stunning
 The prettiest cottage I've ever seen...Croyde
 My favourite find...Tea on the Green in Westward Ho! Amazing cake, fabulous coffee and 1950s surroundings...heaven.

And that's it! I have some shopping to share with you all, but I might not get a chance to photograph it before I pack it for the move. Suffice to say...the chazzing is GREAT in North Devon!

I've just baked a beetroot seed cake for Knit & Natter tonight, inspired by The Great British Bake Off. I love that show, so glad it's back on our screens. The set just gives me the wanties- Union flag bunting, Emma Bridgewater, pastel colours, Kitchen Aid mixers...I LOVE IT! It gives me inspiration for the kitchen in our new house- British retro. Can't wait!


  1. Those photos are beautiful!!
    Good luck with your move

  2. Ooooh exciting times for you! I dream of a move somewhere new! It's nice to look back at photos and remember how lovely your time away was, although it does make you sigh to be back there!

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa xxxxxx

  3. Moving house - how exciting and with a garden too! Looks like you had fun on holiday. Little ones get so frustrated when they can't quite achieve what they want to. Once he's walking I'm sure he will be a lot happier, although you will be even more rushed off your feet then! Sounds like you need a day to yourself to just stay in bed and crochet or just get out of the house and have a mooch somewhere. Take care. xx

  4. Moving is so stressful! I hate it, I cannot wait to be settled in. Albie's walking/climbing/unpacking antics are not helping the stress levels. Thank heavens the weather is good so I can take him to the park to work out some of his energy! Happy weekending everyone. x

  5. Happy Weekending too! wow a housemove, how exciting! (tho i don't envy the whole packing and un-packing...) but you'll soon be in your new home...look forward to the pics XXXXX


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