
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Making, Baking and a spot of P.Y.O.

I'm enjoying a rare moment of quiet and reflection-something I don't often get to do in my busy life. So I decided to take time to smell the roses. Or in this case, peonies. While my little man sleeps, I'm enoying a nice catch up with the blog world, whilst savouring a slice of beetroot seed cake (which I baked on Sunday), and a lovely cup of Twinings Rose Garden tea. It's utterly delicious. My world has been the usual riot of deadlines, housework, stress about moving and trying to entertain a feisty one-year-old. In between all that, here are some little snapshots of the past week or so.

 A jug of peonies on the table, rescued from the yellow sticker section at the supermarket.
 Have you noticed my lovely new oilcloth? This time rescued from the bargain bin in Laura Ashley- half price! £22 for two metres. Lovely.
On Saturday me and my Mr had the day off being parents, so we went for a lovely lunch at the DuCane in Great Braxted, then happened upon a little PYO farm, with the sun blazing down upon it.
 I adore the colours- the red hidden under green leaves nestled in the straw.
 Do you like my dress? A vintage sundress purchased from eBay. I'm doing ever so well with my Utmost Challenge! I am TRYING anyhow.
 Here is my Mr sampling the goods before paying...tut tut
 And here is the little chap savouring the summer's beautiful crop. He stuffed his cheeky little face! It was wonderful watching him help himself to the strawbs- there's nothing quite like a British strawberry, especially when it's smeared all over your scrumptious son!
We parked opposite this on Sunday. Sigh. I ♥ Figaro!
 Some treats my man purchased for the new house in none other than BHS!
 And we have been after one of these for yonks. Half price, too, y'know.
The making in question. My mother's birthday tea cosy.
 The baking in question. The glorious pink of the beetroot seed cake in action! It's delicious too, might I add. The recipe came from last week's Observer magazine.
And lastly, a bright pom pom garland for a dear friend's birthday. I know she'd appreciate the setting here. We're both big fans of Breakfast at Tiffany's! Who isn't?
 Other distractions from life include the discovery of several beautiful things. Pinterest is my new obsession, I just love finding ideas for the home and for the yarn stash too. Check out the new additions to my blog list for some fantastic inspiration. My friend (the birthday girl) also introduced me to Polyvore- a wesbite that allows you build mood board for clothes. A brilliant way to style outfits or try a bit of window shopping without spending any cold, hard cash!

I nipped into the newsagents earlier and mentally spent quite a lot of money on magazines. Selvedge, Oh Comely, Vogue. However, as I am brassic I saved my pennies as I am waiting for the big one...yes, issue 2 of Mollie Makes is out this week! I shall pop out first thing Thursday to see if my little apple jacket has graced their strokably matte pages.

See you then,most likely.
Pip, pip!


  1. Beautiful peonies, might have to get me some of those!
    Not to give you further distractions from being a hard-working journalist and Mummy but I'm loving and (making their Tempting pullover at the mo!).
    See you in a few weeks xxx

  2. I was at the supermarket yesterday and nearly bought some peonies after seeing some in people's gardens last week. They really are the most outrageous flower when fully open but I also love seeing them in bud form - perfection. We go strawberry picking every year with the kids - they love it. Great photo of your little one gobbling strawberries. x

  3. Helllllooooooooo! Lovely to meet the virtual sense! I just managed to get 5 mins in today amongst all the hustle and bustle to read the second issue of Mollie Makes! Congrats on your feature! The cosies really are addictive!

    I LOVE your photos of the peonies, they are really the most beautiful flower in full bloom! I look forward to having a cuppa and enjoying all your posts!

    Have a super weekend!

    Vanessa x


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