
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Afternoon Royaltea

Hello! Thanks for coming back to visit me at Inverleith. The bank holiday was rather a royal affair, what with the majestic nuptials of two beautiful young people. I absolutely couldn't wait for the Royal Wedding, but didn't manage to organise myself in time for union jack bunting and cake stands. Me and my Mr had a well-deserved night out on Thursday but woke up feeling really rather done in on Friday morning. After copious amounts of tea and a long soak in the tub I was ready to face the day. 

As is the British way, I donned my tea dress and fascinator and switched on the BBC's coverage while I prepared the Royaltea table...
 Keeping it British, and to cure our debilitating hangovers, I made bacon sandwiches (with fried egg) and a very strong brew, just in time for the Royal family to make their way over to Westminster Abbey. 
I have to admit, I began shedding tiny tears as soon as I saw those handsome princes on the way to the church. One man and his best man going to the church to get married. So normal, isn't it? Watched by two billion people is not so normal.
 After the ceremony I did a bit of cleaning (yawn) and listened to the radio coverage of the wedding on Radio 4. I shed another couple of tears during the ceremony, watching them leave and of course at THAT balcony kiss. Then another one for the other kiss! Ah, young love. Ain't it grand?
 Whilst bubba slept (he was very overwhelmed, he just loves a wedding) I prepared an afternoon Royaltea.
 I baked scones (from How to be a Domestic Goddess) that were light as air, made finger sandwiches and a jug of Pimm's and filled my gold teapot with Earl Grey. Then we scoffed.
 My Mr decided to be terribly British. It was the day, after all.
 And here are the scones on my best china. I pretended the Queen was coming for tea! Perfect scones with British butter, Tiptree jam and cream. I gathered all the bunting from around the house and draped it about the living room, while we wallowed in the romanticism of the day and recovered from our hangovers. Lovely.
On Saturday we popped along to the Truly, Madly Vintage fair at Shire Hall. I had a lovely brew and cupcake from Plum Fairy, delish, and looked at wares from Charming Grace Jewellery, TMV and some other beautiful stalls. The lovely Hannah from Make, do & Mend was also there with her amazing workshops and Lynne of Love from Lynne was selling some beautiful things. I had to restrain from purchasing, though I was tempted by Lynne's purses and Sparrow & Nightingale's oh so sweet cushions.

I returned home and held yet another afternoon tea for my bestest friend Portia and my sister Sara. It was lovely. Sunday was a day of rest, then yesterday after D got back from work (in the office from 6am on a bank holiday!) we bimbled around Battlesbridge. I loved it there! I will have to make a day of it once we have moved house and know what exactly I am looking for, but there so many amazing places. I particularly loved Brocante Rose- shabby chic interior stuff, and Lawdy Momma! vintage clothes. The clothes in this little shop are FAB. Great quality stuff, mostly imported from america. I was sorely tempted by a 1950s shirtwaister, and a beautiful three-in-one tapestry bag, but my meagre budget stretched only to a lovely Venice souvenir silk scarf, currently wrapped around my head. Can't wait to get back to this little antique paradise to discover more finds. 

1 comment:

  1. A lovely review of the royal wedding and the vintage fair on saturday! Hope to see you again soon xx


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