
Thursday 31 March 2011

The Finished Object: House Tea Cosy

 Well hello! This is the first time I have shared a complete project with you all. And I do hope there will be many more. I thought I'd show my entire process, especially since I am very pleased with this one. I can knit! YAY!
 As you know, I have been working on this tea cosy pattern from Kirstie's Homemade Home. I struggled with the pattern at first, not understanding the intarsia colour change after I had cast on.
 So I decided to knit the windows and door of the house seperately and stitch them on afterwards. However, I managed OK with the roof shaping (knit2tog at the start and end of every other row)
 Although there appears to be a lot of instructions, I found this pattern hard to work. Knitting Jedi Master Hannah explained that it was lazy pattern-writing to blame. So I was relieved that I wasn't a total knitwit. 

 Hannah also explained the parts of the pattern that are missing, like putting the stitches on a stitch holder for these side panels.

 This is where it gets exciting...all fours sides completed and almost ready to join! The tails were weaved in and windows and doors stitched on...

 The joining instructions made NO sense at all. So I turned the pieces wrong-side up and joined the roof sections together inside out. Then I stitched the sides and front/back pieces together on the outside just using overstitch. Then I tried it on the teapot to sew up the flappy bits on the side pieces...
 And here it is! The finished tea cosy! It's so cute and full of 'homespun charm'. That's a nice phrase meaning 'a bit wibbly and not quite perfect'. 
Well my lovelies, what do you think? I think it is so cute! I have yet to make my first cuppa with my teapot adornment. I can't wait to drink my first housey brew. I am so super happy with this little addition to my lists of 'makes'! 

I have a small Finished Object to reveal next week. I wanted to post it yesterday but it's a birthday present so I can't reveal too much until I have given my friend the present!
Please let me know your thoughts and show me your knitted tea cosies. I love a bit of twee, me. 


1 comment:

  1. love this! i've wanted to knit a retro tea cosy for ages. i must learn! well done with yours, amazing! :)


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